Hey to 100k®

Your Step by Step Program to

Soulful Six Figure Success

Hey to 100k®

Your Step by Step Program to

Soulful Six Figure Success

Does getting to six figures in your
online biz feel SO hard?

It shouldn't have to.

Hey to 100k® is a simple A to the motherloving B.

A is where you are. B is you hitting 100k.

Because you started an online business to have more freedom, time, and money.

But that dream of a six figure business has dissolved into anxiety and overwhelm...

Consistent 10k months are just not happening.

Where is that passive revenue?

You’re working harder than ever, and spinning your wheels in Stuck City.

You're doing all the things that don't move the needle, the things that keep you 'so busy' and 'so tired', and aren't actually the money making activities.

Because if you'd spent all those countless hours working at Starbucks you would've made more than you did last month.

Ouch. ouch ouch. That hurts. I know it does.

But it can be so different.

What if selling, launching, and creating offers that light you up can actually be FUN AF, and feel sooo good?

You're already doing all the things amiright?

The endless content hamster wheel that will literally suck up all your time...

Growing social media...

Building a website, blogging, and branding...

And endless procrasti-creating and procrasti-learning of course (my faves).

Because it's just TOO MUCH, and there’s never enough time...

You start strategy-hopping. You start one thing here, and try this over there...

You're trying to piece a business together with random puzzle pieces...

... when what you NEED is: a comprehensive business strategy, live support and accountability, and mindset work.

I've got you. Take a deep breath.

It's time to level up. From the inside out.

That doesn't mean doing more. It actually means DOING LESS, and MAKING MORE.

Hey to 100k® is everything I've learned from all the mistakes I've made building a successful and SOULFUL six figure online business.

One that allows me to spend most of my time in the real world, living the slow soul-aligned and heart-centered life I craved…

Packaged in one FUN step by step live program slash mastermind that is going to rock your world, and set your soul on fire ❤️‍🔥

I want you to go from Hey to 100k without the hustle and burnout.

Because bro marketing and being on social 24/7 is OUT.

Soul-aligned and heart-centered marketing and enjoying life is IN.

Say bye to living on your phone, and hello to living in the real world 24/7.

Join a live program like no other that gives you an entire year of coaching and support

Learn how to simplify and cut the hustle so you can scale into abundance with ease

Go from pressure and stress to aligned SOULFUL six figures while working LESS

Embody and grow into your six figure self in a community of soulful entrepreneurs

Go from overwhelm and endless to-do’s to clarity and strategic money-making action

Mindset Magic™️
Magnetic Marketing 
Online Business Strategy

Hey to 100k® is a live group coaching program based on my secret sauce of Mindset Magic™️ PLUS Magnetic Marketing PLUS Online Business Strategy.

I’ve taken what I’ve learned coaching hundreds of entrepreneurs and condensed it into a streamlined program that will teach you how to go from a digital product to a sustainable six figure business.

You'll learn to:

  • overcome money blocks with Money Mindset Mastery™️ and create your 100k Blueprint so you can receive abundance
  • calculate, create, position, and price Organic Offers™️ that don't take months to create, and will take you to 100k
  • show up soulfully without being on social every day with the 4 Step Money Making Magnetic Visibility™️ System
  • craft magnetic messaging with Magnetic Rainbows™️- content that attracts, connects & converts dream clients
  • set up your magnetic marketing system to build an aligned audience organically with The Social Sandwich™️
  • create effective email list building funnels, and harness the power of email marketing automation
  • have 5 figure launches with The Soulcial Launch™️ and Soulcial Selling™️strategies

As an introvert who recoils at the sleazy bro marketing pressure sales tactics that are taught, I want you to know that there is simpler, easier, and softer way to do this that is ethical and feels aligned with who you are.


My live programs are magic!

The energy of the safe, supportive sisterhood that you always wanted. Like you finally belong, and can breathe and really be yourself.

Vulnerable, raw, and KNOW that you can do this. Because you are held.

And because I will guide you through to success every step of the way. And show you how to do it only working part time hours, so it doesn't take over your life.

Clients are Raving:
A to the motherloving B

So you'll learn how to market, sell and launch soulfully and authentically, and create dreamy offers and magnetic messaging that sing to your dream clients WITHOUT THE STRESS OR THE FLUFF?


I’m giving you the tools and strategies you need to do this in the simplest, easiest, and most time efficient way possible.

Plus you get an entire year of custom business coaching, and live hot seat feedback on your offers, pricing, strategy, salespages, content, funnels and all that jazz!

Oh and a supportive community of soulful entrepreneurs that holds you, and holds space for you as you grow into your future self.

I know right? This is the program I wish I had when I struggled on my own...


Who is this for?

You're an online entrepreneur, coach, consultant, membership owner, or course creator.

And you're over the hustle and guilt, and ready to go from sporadic sales and revenue to a sustainable business.

You're feeling called to rise with soul sister entrepreneurs, while FINALLY making serious bank- this is for you.

You get a system of step by step trainings that cover offers, pricing, marketing, sales, launching, and mindset, PLUS one whole year of soul sisterhood and coaching to implement at your own pace.

This is the space for you to be held so you can grow, scale, and fully evolve into your six figure self.

A whole year of coaching in addition to the program without any monthly charges? Yup.

I’m taking the pressure off so you can actually ease into flow, even if hustle is your M-O.

I created my dream container, where you could be human, and have a crazy month in your personal life, and totally unplug, and still be supported without feeling the pressure.

Yes you’ll learn. Yes you’ll get motivated, inspired, and make money.

And yes you’ll find your soulpreneur bestie and your next dream client here.

But most importantly you’ll be held accountable to do less and make more.

Hey to 100k® is for heart centered entrepreneurs who want less sleaze, and more clients saying ‘yes please’.

Core Program Overview


Your 100k Vision™️ 
Create Your 100k Vision, Embody Your Six Figure Self


Money Mindset Mastery™️ 
Abundance Blockers™️, Mindset Magic™️, 100k Blueprint


Organic Offers™️ 
Reverse Engineer Your Path to 100k, Pricing, Your Offer Stack


Flamingle with HER🦩
Find Your Dream Client, Create Your Flamingo Dream List™️


Shine Time™️ 
Your Money Making 4 Step Magnetic Visibility™️ System


Magnetic Messaging 
Create Magnetic Rainbows™️ and authentic 'Mind Reading' Messaging


The Social Sandwich™️
The Magnetic Marketing Strategy to Build An Aligned Audience


Funnel Focus 
Email Marketing, List Building, Lead Magnets, and Automations


The Soulcial Launch®
Five Figure Launches, Soulcial Selling™️


Book a Free Call with Masha:

Let's see if this is the right fit for you and your business



Hey to 100k® PLUS

8 Week 1:1 Business Coaching Intensive

Add Masha's 1:1 Intensive Package for a Power Two-fer with flexibility to redeem 1:1 within one year!

What's Included:

  • ALL of Hey to 100k®! (1 Year Business Group Coaching, Trainings, Community, Bonuses)
  • SAVE $2k! My 1:1 is $5k so you get the Program for only $3k!
  • 8 x WEEKLY 60 minute 1:1 Video Coaching Sessions
  • Customized Weekly Homework ACTION PLAN
  • 8 WEEKS Unlimited Voxer Realtime 1:1 Coaching + Feedback
  • Bespoke Offer, Launch, Pricing + Messaging Strategy
  • High Touch Accountability + Implementation Support
Book a Call with Masha
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What's Included?

You get an entire year of access to the training modules, and LIVE weekly coaching sessions with ME!

You get me as a business coach for a fraction of the cost of working with her one to one.

Yes I will build in chunks of time off because I lead by example, and walk the walk.

Yes, you can lean in, and lean out.

All trainings and coaching sessions will be recorded, and you have A YEAR to go through everything.

  • 9 Module Training Program in fun Gamified Online Portal (earn badges for completing trainings!)
  • ONE YEAR of Weekly Business Coaching Calls with Hot Seat Feedback
  • ONE YEAR of Live Content, Strategy, Salespage, Offer, and Funnel Reviews
  • ONE YEAR of access to Training Modules
  • ONE YEAR of soulful masterminding in private community

Amazing Bonuses when you sign up!

Bonus 1

Trello Project Board

Trello is a project management tool that allows you to organize and prioritize your tasks and projects with customizable boards, lists, and cards. We created this Trello board template to help you get this done, stay organized, and make progress in the program.

Bonus 2

100k Vision™️ Abundance Activation

Meet your Six Figure Self, and activate limitless abundance in this powerful guided meditation. Smash money mindset blocks, overcome self-doubt, and attract abundance with ease.

Bonus 3

Private Audio Podcast of Trainings

Enjoy the convenience and freedom of listening while you're on the go, or multitasking. Listen to the trainings, coaching sessions, or Virtual Retreats while you're driving, walking the dog, folding laundry etc.

Bonus 4

The Magic Launch Formula® Workbook

From low ticket to high ticket offers, live launches to evergreen sales, payment plans to pay in full pricing, this workbook allows you to plan & project your offer pricing, launches, and monthly and yearly revenue.

Bonus 5

ONE YEAR of Virtual Retreats

In addition to our regular coaching sessions, I host Virtual Retreats such as Quantum Leap into Your Next Level Self with Soul Reader® Yvonne Arnold, where you smash fears and energetic blocks; and Shine Time™️ Virtual Retreat, where we map out your marketing strategy together.


Pay in Full Bonus

Flamazing Surprise


When you choose the Pay in Full option, I’ll send you this Fabulous, Fun Flamingo Courage and Confetti Mug, Post it Note Pad & Surprise Care Package in the mail! 🦩🎉

Why 100k?

Darling, it’s time to FINALLY break your 100k cherry…

Only 12% of women-owned businesses ever hit the $100K mark!

When it comes to moms, the stats are even more dismal… it's only about 3% of mom entrepreneurs.

I’m one of the 3% and ever since I hit that milestone I’ve been obsessed with changing these stats.

Why is it so hard to hit 100k?

The crazy thing is that it’s not hard, in hindsight.

The online business space has exploded over the pandemic, and it continues to boom.

The low overhead and big profit margins of an online business make it easier to hit six figures.


  • We MAKE it SO HARD. Because we’re SO HARD on ourselves.
  • We criticize, diminish, question, and doubt ourselves. every. step. of. the. way.
  • We overcomplicate and overthink the SHIZZLE out of our content, offers, funnels.
  • And we get completely sidetracked and overwhelmed by the endless options.

Because hellooo shiny object syndrome…

Funnels, tech, launches, content, social, copy, offers, email, ads… it’s like opening up a Pandora’s box of infinite paths that are so confusing, and so complicated.

You get conflicting advice, there are too many cooks in the kitchen, and you get stuck in inaction, or minutiae that doesn't move the needle.

Because it’s scary.

It’s scary doing it alone, it’s scary putting yourself out there, and it’s hard to not compare yourself to everyone and feel even more isolated.

And then there’s ALL the mindset stuff that comes up. Visibility Fear, Money Blocks, Imposter Syndrome… it’s endless.

Plus our perfectionism and need to validate ourselves has us wasting time and money on everything but a strategy and support system for making the actual money!

THIS is why most female entrepreneurs don’t ever make it to 100k...

But you my friend are reading this for a reason.

You're meant to make this happen. And I know you can.

This program is designed for you to get your investment back manifold. My goal is for you to create a business for the life that you dream of.

And let’s be clear. It’s to make you money. Lots of money.

Because even though you can’t see it yet, you’re already the abundant goddess of your dreams. I can see your future self. And the success story and testimonial you’re going to write.

I’ll be there to support you every step of the way so you can succeed and hit your revenue goals!

SO much LOVE...

Frequently Asked Questions

About Masha

I'm an Online Business Coach for heart centered entrepreneurs who want to grow a six figure+ ONline business working part time, and enjoy financial AND time freedom OFFline.

I'm on a mission to help more women smash the $100k ceiling in their business with my secret sauce of Magnetic Marketing, Business Strategy, and Mindset Magic™️!

Over the pandemic I built my online biz from a dream, to a side hustle, to a multi six figure success that allows me to work part time hours from my Treehouse in CT, USA, and spend more time with myself, and my family, enjoying a 'slower' lifestyle.

I love period films, romance novels, tea time, plants, hiking, and bending time.

I have two little girls, one giant husband, and a rescue pup called Vixon I'm crazy about 🐾

xo, Masha